Why KonMari?
Why I chose to get organised with the KonMari Method™
I live in a tiny home. It's a bricks and mortar home, but under 500 sq feet of space. With a growing family we planned to move somewhere bigger, I embraced the adage that you should live the life you want now and started to gather the things I needed for my new home. Surely I would have space for a large desk and a dedicated craft area, and I would definitely need those extra bedside cabinets for the children. Extra crockery and cutlery? Yes please.
My disorganised tiny home filled up with boxes and furniture stacked in every available space. The hallways and bedsides lined with belongings only leaving a narrow track to walk down.
My disorganised tiny home filled up with boxes and furniture stacked in every available space. The hallways and bedsides lined with belongings only leaving a narrow track to walk down.
my bedside table pre-KonMari
And then our circumstances changed.
my bedside post-KonMari
It was the discovery of Marie Kondo's book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and applying the KonMari Method™ to my decluttering that made the big difference. Tidying by category was the revelation for me. The organised tiny home became a possibility.
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