Items That Used To Spark Joy
What do you do with items that used to be a precious part of your life? (Taken from a previously published article) Whilst I have not yet reached the komono category of my decluttering journey, my mind has been distracted by my diverse selection of craft supplies. In the past I was lucky enough to make hand crafted cards that were featured in magazines and to design jewellery in return for more supplies than I could ever use. My circumstances have changed and I no longer spend my time on these activities. I am still creative. I make journals about my travels and spend much more of my time on experiences. Some of my supplies are used to embellish planners and travellers notebooks, but most are gathering dust. I haven't been able to part with them because they once sparked joy and were such an important part of my life. Yet as the years have passed I have had the opportunity to return to those hobbies, but I have chosen ...